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Jacquie Wayans is... 


Radio Host, Author, Singer & Speaker


 Jacquie Wayans encourages and motivates others using her own personal journey and life lessons as a platform.  She is a native New Yorker who lived under the poverty line for many years. She has experienced enough hard knocks, and made enough mistakes to throw in the towel many times over…in fact, there came a time when she seriously thought about ending it all.  Then she realized that as long as she had a mind, talents and the power of God, she could trust in the promise of a brighter day.


 A Wayans by previous marriage, Jacquie recalls the time she picked up the phone to call Kim Wayans, actress and author of the Amy Hodgepodge series. “I had never spoken with her or met her before, but I wrote a script for my favorite TV show, at the time (7th Heaven). I wanted her advice on how to pitch it. She very kindly and patiently explained how the industry worked and encouraged me to take up writing and learn more about the business. I have since thanked her personally for taking the time to guide me. Little did she know, I was teetering on the brink of giving up on my dreams and my life.”


Since then, Jacquie returned to college as a working adult and single mom of three kids--to graduate from The School of General Studies at Columbia University in 2008, with a degree in Literature & Writing. She published her first children’s book, Ambrose, with Tate Publishing in 2012.  A reverse story of the Garden of Eden, told from the serpents point of view. "This story was written to help young people discern the subtle voices that deception takes on, and therefore enable them to make wiser choices."


Jacquie has also ventured out on a lifelong dream to release her own music CD. Jacquie has always loved to sing, but spent many years as a closet singer.  After vocal training, to conquer her nerves, she began performing (Singing and acting) in local churches. She also released the CD, My Strength, My Song.2012, which is made up of cover songs that encouraged her through dark periods of her life. It is her hope that this music will reach someone with great potential who is on the verge of giving up and provide the impetus for them to hold on and become all that they were created to be. As a result, the  CD is free of charge.


Last but not least, Jacquie Wayans greatest passion is her radio show that she produces and host. Don't Give Up Radio show is designed for people who have already over come great challenges but still have a way to go to reach their goals.  The show speaks to listener's soul via the words of the guest, their life experiences and songs that pulled them out of the abyss. Jacquie wants the listener to be their own best hero, because the greatest hero of all thought they were important enough to exist and gave his life in exchange.  This show transcends race and incorporates various musical genres.


Don’t Give Up radio has been able to feature a wide range of guest from the average Joe who escaped abuse to those who faced life crisis and over came. Occasionally, some guest are celebrities such as: Grammy Winner Billy Dorsey, legendary members of the Winans family (David, Daniel, Stephanie & Kacy),  Bunny Debarge and various authors and film producers.

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